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Livre d'artiste F&D Cartier Scheidegger & Spiess Verlag 06.2022

Un progetto della regione della Raiffeisenbank Seeland

Un livre d'artiste publié par Scheidegger & Spiess à Zurich, éditeurs/ distributeurs de renommée mondiale. Graphisme par un team reconnu de Lausanne. Couverture rigide, 248 pages, deux essais avec traductions _f/d/e/_ par 2 historiens de la photographie de renommées internationales , env. 150 illustrations couleurs de notre travail de plus de 20 ans "Wait and See, 1998-Today", pour lequel nous avons patiemment collecté et étudié plus d'un millier de papiers photographiques datant de 1880 - 1990, et provenants de 15 pays.

CHF 4’200
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CHF 9’000
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Présentation F&D Cartier "The Never Taken Images" Scheidegger & Spiess

F&D Cartier
9 aprile 2022

[]Publishers Scheidegger & Spiess Zurich Thomas Kramer, Director • Design Balmer Hählen Lausanne Priscilla Balmer, Yvo Hählen / Julien Le Goff • Essays Kathrin Schönegg, Berlin Thilo Koenig, Roma Both renowned photographic historians with longstanding interests in abstract photography, are contextualizing our work Wait and See into historical and contemporary experimental photographic art • Repros Phase One Swiss Foundation for Photography Winterthur Digital lab _Facsimile repros Peter Pfrunder, Director / Katharina Rippstein, Head Image Archive • Acquired partnerships for future exhibitions/book presentation/lectures/conference >April 2022< : o Book launching « F&D Cartier The never taken images. Photographic Paper Archive » Never Stop Reading Zurich o Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg. Traveling exhibition "Mining Photography-The ecological footprint of photography" _Catalogue 15.07 - 31.10.2022 o DZ BANK Kunststiftung Frankfurt. Exhibition " Passagen " & Acquisition Wait and See installation > permanent DZ Bank Kunststiftung Kunstsammlung, contemporary photographic collection. 01.06. – 15.10.2022 _Catalogue o Eikon Magazin Wien, inclusion, book review « F&D Cartier The Never… » September 2022 edition. o Hapax Magazine London, book review « F&D Cartier The Never… » 2022 o Universität der Angewandte Kunst, Wien > book presentation, talk 2023 o Gewerbemuseum Winterthur Traveling exhibition "Mining Photography. The ecological footprint of photography » _Catalogue 2023 o Kunst Haus Wien - Museum Hundertwasser. Traveling exhibition "Mining Photography. The ecological footprint of photography" _Catalogue 2023 - The authors F&D Cartier and Scheidegger & Spiess, would be very pleased to interest you in this project for future collaborations. Welcome are partnerships with photographic institutions, museums, galleries and foundations committed to and interested in historical and contemporary photography, in order to present our work in exhibitions and promote the artist book « F&D Cartier. The Never Taken Images. Photographic Paper Archive ». • Contacts @fdcartier @thenevertakenimages[/url][/url]


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