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Ginga social way of doing fashion

Un projet de la région de la Raiffeisenbank Basel

Ginga is the first sustainable fashion brand to include the creativity and work of people with Down Syndrome.

"It's cool to be fair, it's fair to be cool"




WEBSITE: www.gingaethicalclothing.com

CHF 10’900
CHF 10’000
Montant minimum
CHF 15’000
Montant désiré

Les parrainages suivants ont pu être choisis dans le cadre du projet

Période de financement 16 mars 2018 16:12 Heure - 30 avr. 2018 00:00 Heure
Temps nécessaire à la réalisation 45 jours

Ginga was born out of the dream to create a fashion brand that takes care of the environment, promote the integration of people with Down Syndrome and offers timeless products.

We want to show the world that inclusion is possible in a regular business and that work will still be well done at the of the day. We'll make sure that our offers will be as good as what is on the market. We'll go further than other brands, because we'll have great products and we'll organize our structure from the beginning to integrate people with Down Syndrome.
We aim to inspire and motivate other companies to start inclusion too.

We focus on a win-win-win concept:

  • More satisfaction for the customer, who will by getting a quality certified product, will as well collaborate with the inclusion of differently abled people to the market.
  • More satisfaction for our Down-Syndrome collaborators, who will have activities with various tasks, will feel included and will be able to see the result of their work in products used by people everywhere.
  • More satisfaction for Ginga, who will be spreading the concept of ecological&social fashion.

The money will be used to help us make all this happen!
We'll use it mainly for financing the 1st collection, and as well to set up the brand and organize the best structure for the collaborators.

The idea is from Barbara Ortins, a Brazilian Fashion Designer, that after years of experience in Europe, decided to create her own Cool Eco and Social Brand inspired on her brother, Guiga.

"We were raised in the country side of Salvador in Brazil, in a very green area with a lot of native nature. During all our life, we've been taught that human and nature are partners , where both parties must give to receive, in a mutual way. The principle of caring about the environment is our first inspiration.

My brother Guiga is our second great inspiration. I have had more satisfactions than challenges with him. His extra chromosome is an extra dose of genuineness, love and happiness.

Ginga supports these 2 reasons. We believe that people with Down Syndrome are capable of having space in the working environment. We appreciate their value as people and as workers. We want to give them the opportunity to feel normal in a world where everybody is actually different. We want to appreciate people the way they are."

3 Kommentare

Finally a project for the true cool side of the fashion industry! Love it Go Ginga!

Johann Pasqualini
24 mars 2018 à 18:15

Good initiative! Looking forward for my first T-Shirts :)

David López Valero
22 mars 2018 à 10:38

Amazing project!!

Rodolfo Gallia
21 mars 2018 à 22:55

tout afficher

79 Parrainages
Sofia Santos Ferreira
28 avr. 2018, 12:13
27 avr. 2018, 13:21
Simonetta Brancalion
27 avr. 2018, 13:19
